How to use pcad 2006 reports
How to use pcad 2006 reports

(2000) Clinical profile and long-term prognosis of women/or =50 years of age referred for coronary angiography for evaluation of chest pain. Gurevitz, O., Jonas, M., Boyko, V., Rabinowitz, B. (2000) Mild hypercholesterolemia and premature heart disease: Do the national criteria underestimate disease risk? Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 35, 1178-1184. Further enhanced strategies should be made for secondary prevention.Īkosah, K.O., Gower, E., Groon, L., Rooney, B.L.

how to use pcad 2006 reports

Conclusions: PCAD patients implanted with DESs have mo re unstable clinical phenotypes and hi gher MACEs during a one-year follow-up period, though they were prescribed higher ratios of optimal therapeutic medicine. Logistic regression analyses showed that obesity (OR 1.757, 95% CI: 1.031 - 2.995), acute coronar y syndrome (OR 1.716, 95% CI: 1.011 - 2.913) and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (OR 2.539, 95% CI: 1.180 - 5.463) predict MACEs in a one-year follow-up among patients with PCAD. Results: Compared with those receiving medicine alone, patients implanted with DESs had higher ratios of males than females, they also had acute coronary syndromes, multi-vessel disease, higher values of cardiac troponin I, longer hospital stays, higher aspirin and clopidogrel use (all P < 0.05) though these patients had higher use of aspirin and clopidogrel in the hospital and during follow-up and higher β -blockers and statins use during follow-up, they had higher ratios of recurrent angina and composite MACEs during one-year follow- up (all P < 0.05). Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) and the use of medications for secondary prevention were collected and analyzed. Methods: 282 patients with PCAD, of which 177 implanted with DESs and 105 prescribed medicine alone were enrolled and analyzed.

how to use pcad 2006 reports how to use pcad 2006 reports

This study was to evaluate clinical characteristics and one- year prognosis of PCAD implanted with DESs in a Chinese population. However, minimal data on the follow up results of premature coronary artery disease (PCAD) treated with DESs exist. Background: Drug-eluting stents (DESs) are associated with lower restenosis rates.

How to use pcad 2006 reports